Gas Turbines Spare Parts
Raadman Tejarat Sepenta company, considering the needs of the large industries, has provided the possibility of direct communication with the main manufacturers and direct purchase by benefiting from original equipment and machinery as well as quality accessories.
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Power Plant Services
Raadman Tejarat Sepenta Company has done a good job with many activities in power plants. They're really good at giving gas turbines and setting up and running power plants. They also give helpful technical and engineering services.
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Laser Alignment
Raadman Tejarat Sepenta designs advanced laser measurement tools for the rotating machine industry. They have aligned parts in heavy industries with millimeter-level accuracy, ensuring optimal machine function and safety.
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Marine Industries
Raadman Tejarat Sepanta offers precise technical engineering services to the maritime industry. Their experienced team has been involved in the construction of wide-body ships in China, South Korea, and Japan. They utilize laser measurement technology, resulting in minimal vibrations.
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Tel/Fax : +982188772327

Address: Unit 47 – No 482 – Mirdamad St – Tehran – Iran